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This city deserves a pepper. 

We are a city with our own sense of taste. 
The Purple Pepper Project is breeding heirloom chili peppers, shaped by Sacramento.


Our Goals 

We want to (have fun and) establish a pepper variety that is reflective of the region. What better than a beaming purple color?!?

The anthocyanin pigments that make our peppers purple are natural and promote your health.

We are pursuing classical breeding techniques to create the perfect purple pepper with all your other desired attributes.

Finally, as we grow, we will explore products derived from our purple peppers that are delicious, colorful, and fun to eat. We're most excited about fermented hot sauce and purple paprika!

Thanks for registering!

Our mission

 To breed and grow exceptional purple peppers tailored to the Sacramento region, create unique and delicious products, and ignite a community of enthusiasts who share a love for gardening, flavor, and collaborative fun.

The Journey is the Destination

This is a community-driven exploration. We're breeding Sacramento's ideal purple pepper, one taste test and shared step at a time. Join the journey, because the doing is the destination.

Hobby or business?

  Mostly a hobby. We're here for the love of peppers and community. But, those hot sauces? They'll require a bit of business. Don't worry, the fun will still be the main ingredient.


The Starting Five

Violet Sparkle 



Buena Mulata 

Mini Dragon tail 

Even if you're not from Sacramento, we want you to participate.

Take this quick survey to tell us what makes the perfect purple pepper for you. 

Engage >